Your generosity can significantly impact the Ukrainian American Cultural Association’s efforts in promoting Ukrainian culture and heritage. We are grateful for donations of any size, and your contribution can be directed towards a specific project if you choose. All donations to UACA are tax-deductible. Our EIN is 32-0242340.
Credit Card or PayPal
Securely donate using your credit card. We offer the option of a one-time or a recurring monthly donation to provide ongoing support for our cultural and humanitarian projects. You can donate with or without a PayPal account.
CashApp or Venmo
Securely donate using your Cash App or Venmo. We offer the option of a one-time donation from these platforms.
You can mail checks or money orders to UACA at our official address. Please note that we cannot accept checks from outside the United States for amounts less than $250 – international donors are encouraged to use PayPal or wire transfers.
Bank Transfer
Make a bank deposit, wire, or ACH transfer to our account. Please find our banking details below for both domestic and international transfers.
M&T Bank
Swift: MANTUS33
Beneficiary: Ukrainian Federal Credit Union
Credit Union Account Number: 9853933043
Member Account Number: 10610567140
Member Street Address: 12670 SW Harlequin Drive, Beaverton, OR 97007
Routing Number: 222382221
Account Number: 10610567140
Note to our non-US donors: The banks in US do not use IBAN. To wire from outside US, please use SWIFT and account number instead.
Facebook Donations
Utilize Facebook to make donations directly to our cause. You can contribute to existing fundraisers or start your own to support UACA.
(Coming Soon)
More Information
Contact Us
For any questions regarding donations, please contact us at [email protected] or call us at +1-503-807-5899. We appreciate your patience as our response time may vary.
Donation Tax Deductions
Ukrainian-American Cultural Association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and all donations are tax-deductible. We are committed to using your contributions effectively and in alignment with our mission.
Note on Personal Responsibility
Please note that personal statements or event attendance by our directors, staff members, or volunteers do not necessarily represent UACA’s official position.